Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Multiplication Linky Party

Help Please!!!! Since I am a first year teacher, I am at a loss for even how to begin teaching multiplication which is extremely unfortunate since next week is the week! I know the bottom line is that they need to know their facts, period. But I really want them to understand what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how it will help them. I have some students who really struggle with math and I know they will be drilled on facts at home but will struggle to understand the concepts. My school uses Math Investigations so the students will get to practice, work, and play with array cards. But I was wondering if there is any method, strategy, lesson, activity, game, flipchart, or website that you swear by.

If so PLEASE link up! - I can use all the help I can get. 

Even if you don't have anything specific, I am eager to know what multiplication practice looks like in your classroom. As you may know (I posted here), we just begun math workshop in my classroom. So any ideas that you have for any of my stations (small group, game, computer, Promethean board, and independent practice) is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, I can't wait to be inspired by all of your wonderful expertise!

Please feel free to comment rather than post.


1 meghan said...

I use Investigations as well, but I really don't like it. I'm all about using games and activities, but I'm not into how they teach things. I'll link up ASAP with some things I've used!

Third Grade in the First State

2 Lisa at Fourth and Ten said...

I used to teach third grade and my district used Investigations. Do you use the first or second edition of Investigations? I feel that things in comes in groups does a nice job showing multiplication a variety of ways, arrays, repeated addition, etc., and I've found that through the experiences many of kids just naturally started to memorize their facts. Later in the year, I did an ice cream party incentive and timed test for the kiddos to memorize their facts when we did a two digit multiplication unit. I hope this helps!
Stories From Second

3 Kelli Beason said...

We begin by learning strategies for multiplication. We learn about an array, repeated addition, number lines, double, and lattice multiplication. After we learn our facts 0-5 taught in one chapter in our book we begin daily speed tests 0-5. They have to complete them in 5 minutes. Then we move on to learning about 6-10 and begin time tests on these facts later. Review with flashcards daily, play around the world. Unfortuanetly our book does not teach 11 and 12 but I do teach it to my students. There are a ton of jingles, videos out there to teach tricks for learning the facts. I also do a multiplication banana split party and they earn an item for each part of their banana split. Hope this helps.

4 Stacey said...

Joined you linky party. :) I look forward to seeing some other ideas too. I am also a new follower!

5 4321Teach said...

I just posted about multiplication this week. It is that time of year I guess! I use Investigations too. I teach skip counting for the 2,5,10s. Then things like repeat addition. I use the array cards last. I LOVE School House Rock, so watch them all. At the beginning of next week I will be posting again about multiplication, feel free to check it out.


6 Emily Brown said...

I'm linking up with a big ole' post on which I ranted a lot. Yikes. Not sure how much it will help, but I really do love the book I mention - so I hope you at least find something useful about my post!! Math is definitely my favorite subject and I love it especially when I see those little faces light up when they GET IT. Let us know how it goes in your classroom!!

7 Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

I loved using the Equal Shares unit in Investigations to teach multiplication. The kids really got the concept down. After I taught the unit, we started drilling facts! Good luck!

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

8 Deceptively Educational said...

Adrienne, I'm not a teacher but have created a few activities for my son to introduce multiplication that several teachers have downloaded for use in the classroom. I also have a multiplication activity using Eric Carle's "1, 2, 3 to the zoo" book. I hope you and your followers find these useful!

9 Jen R said...

ooh - I'm totally going to do a post - I have a great idea to share - well, I HAD 2, then teacher's chatterbox stole one of them! lol
The Teachers’ Cauldron

10 Gina said...

I've *tagged* you! Check it out at my blog :)

A Chocoholic Teacher

11 Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

Tag!! You're It! Head over to check it out!

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher