Saturday, October 8, 2011

Science Notebooking is FUN!

Okay so we are officially done with our first science unit, Simple Machines. I have been kinda lax on posting lately, school has been keeping me super busy, but I really wanted to share how our science notebooks are turning out. The students are really beginning to take ownership of their notebooks and put a ton of effort into it. I hope you enjoy the pics!


1 kinderpond said...

I wish that our notebooks looked half this nice :(
Maybe because we use them in an after school program or I have too high of expectations, they are just not looking so nice. :(

Some of course are good, but it is very difficult with different teachers, besides myself.

You have some awesome printables, could you share some of your sites?



2 Twyla Yeates said...

Your science notebooks look great! I would also be interested in knowing where you got your printables. Thanks for the great inspiration.


3 Deborah Devine said...

As I looked at your notebooks, I was struck by the combination of pre-made worksheet and the students personal connection to that information. I especially like the pages where you have the simple graphic organizers...What is it/ What is it used for? Examples. If student internalized just that information, that would make me happy. I would like a copy of your printables if you make them available.

4 diedra said...

I am using science notebooks in my second grade classroom. I love and appreciate your wonderful ideas. I hope you will share some of your simple graphic organizers. dc