Sunday, September 25, 2011

I am LOVING S.S. notebooking!!!

We have officially finished our first social studies unit of the year, civics. The student notebooks turned out wonderful. As we begin our first science unit, simple machines, I feel like I have learned a lot about notebooking and how to keep the students organized. I am excited to keep at it and for all of us to better at documenting our learning through notebooking. Below are pictures of our first unit.

Notebook Title Page

Civics Unit Breakdown
(our state standards and what the students must know)

Vocabulary Page
(with our brain pics to help us quickly recall the definition)

Rules/Laws Activity

I'm a Citizen Paragraph

Purposes of Government Foldable

Rights and Responsibilites Sort & Matching

Diversity Foldable and
Representative Democracy/Student Council Representative Comparison Actvity

Diversity Foldable unfolded

Civics Review Booklet

The students really enjoyed notebooking and I am excitied to crack into our science notebooks next week.


1 Ginger Snaps said...

I have been doing Science notebooking for 3 years now and I LOVE it! I need to try it for Social Studies too!!

2 Unknown said...

Do you have those printables? We just finished our first unit. I like your format!

3 Leanne Bongers said...

I love, love, love this! It's like a Thoughtful Log for content subjects. Hmm.... you maybe have me convinced!

4 teacherking55 said...

I would LOVE a copy of this!!! I really like your vocabulary page! :)

5 Mrs. Hawk said...

the notebooks look great!

6 Ms. J said...

Love these!!

Miss J@Smiles, Crayons, and Endless Stories

7 scooltchr1 said...

I, too, would love a copy of your printables if you would possibly share! Social Studies is the only subject in which I have never use a notebook...not really sure why though??!!

Thanks bunches!


8 Kelli said...
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9 Kelli said...

Hi! I think we share a similar outlook on notebooking! I learned about it while teaching in England and Australia, but don't find many American teachers that really understand it. Please check out my blog, as I'm trying to share ideas for notebooking I've seen or created. Although mine are more geared toward K-2, it's easy to adapt to other grades. I will bookmark your blog so I can get ideas from you too!
