Monday, April 2, 2012

Show off your classroom! Linky Party!!

It's been a while since I posted pictures of my classroom, or perused pictures of other wonderful classrooms, so I am super excited to link up with Christi's Show Off Your Classroom Linky Party over at Ms. Fultz's Corner. Head on over to link up, find inspiration, or cram some more pics into (if your like me) your already overflowing Pinterest boards. :)

WARNING: These pictures were taken right before I jetted out the door for spring break so not all areas of my room are the neatest or most organized. ALSO these pictures were taken with my tablet so they are not the best quality.

The view from my desk
My desk corner BEFORE some spring tidying
My desk corner AFTER some tidying
Our Class Library
My room isn't too spacious so I try to get creative with spaces.
My reading and math group table covered with stacked chairs and our FIT balls
 Computer Corner

Data Wall & Daily Objectives

Views from different spots in the room
 I hope you enjoyed the tour! I can't wait to see even more amazing classrooms. Link up if you can!


1 Christi said...

I love your data wall. I've been playing around with ours. Thanks for linking up!

Christi ツ
Ms. Fultz’s Corner

2 Mary Bauer said...

Your room looks great!
Artistry of Education