Thursday, January 12, 2012

Symbaloo Who?

So I may have been living under a rock for the past couple months because I jsut discovered Symbaloo. It is a visually amazing bookmarking site that I have already thought of many uses for. You could think of it as a more organized, easier to access, less picture-oriented pinterest. Not only am I in the process of creating my personal Symbaloo with all of the sites I frequent, but I have decided to make a class Symbaloo for my students. Again, I realize this may not be a new idea but I just discovered it so it's gold to me!

So far I have only made an Animal Adaptations webmix on Symbaloo. I plan on putting this on my classroom computer during Daily 6 for review or enrichment. I also thought about looking more into the SymblooEdu offers so I could have every student pull up a webmix on their computer in the computer lab one day to explore and research.

Please view my Symbaloo and give me any ideas or input you have for using this awesome site!


1 Julie said...

I really like this. I have used ikeepbookmarks with my class before, but this seems much better. Thanks for sharing!

2 Emily Brown said...

I'm definitely looking into this. Woo!! I want to pass you an award. Please head over to my blog to accept it!

3 Deanne Lanni said...

I LOVE Symbaloo! I have been using it for 2 years now. I only have one webmix set up for all links the students can go to. Silly me - I never thought of setting up separate webmixes for each topic! Thanks for sharing! Here is my link - -- As you can see it is very crowded! Looks like I have some work to do!