Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Math Workshop Symbaloo Site & Giveaway!

Happy Wednesday! Recently I debuted Symbaloo in my classroom and the students LOVED it! Below you can find the link for my Math Workshop Symbaloo page. I simply pulled up the site on my classroom computers and my students were able to choose a game or site to explore during their computer time. I organized my Symbaloo page by color so I could give my students more specific instructions (i.e. Today you can play any game with a pink square. The pink squares are addition/subtraction sites.) Feel free to visit and use. Please let me know if there are any awesome math sites you like to use.

[click HERE to visit my original Symbaloo post with a link to my Animal Adaptations webmix]


Don't forget my giveaway! I am giving away digital scrapbooking software for teachers who don't have photoshop but still like to create cute products. Click HERE to go to my giveaway post.


1 Mandy Neal said...

This is a fantastic way to use Symbaloo! I only recently discovered it. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

I am SO excited to find your blog. I can't believe I haven't found it before now. I am a new third grade teacher so I am excited to follow you for your ideas! =)

Ms. Smith
Adventures of Ms. Smith

3 Mrs. Teachnology said...

Thank you for the comment. I just read your first post about Symbaloo, and I love your Adaptation mix. I will be using it this week with my students now! Thanks so much for sharing. How funny is it that we titled our first posts about Symbaloo the same? I was thinking of Cindy Lou Who, were you?