Sunday, December 4, 2011

SS Notebooking: Explorers

Below are some pictures from our Explorers unit. In Virginia the 4 explorers students have to know in third grade are Columbus, de Leon, Cartier, and Newport.

Unit Title Page and Table of Contents
 Vocabulary/Brain pics & KWL
 Explorer Writing Prompt/Route Map
 Explorer Grid/Columbus Flipbook

 Explorer Annotated Diagram (ex. eyes to look for gold, hands to steal land, etc.) & Venn Diagram
 Ponce de Leon flipbook & Cartier Brochure

 Newport Brochure & Route Map

 Envelope for Explorer Postcards & Affects on Indians page
 Front of Explorer Postcards
 Back of Explorer Postcards

 Grading Sheet
I collect and grade the notebooks at the end of each unit. I grade 5-8 of the most important assignments and then I take an overall notebook grade for the rest of the work (completion, effort, neatness, etc.).


1 Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

I love your blog! I am planning on starting SS & Science Notebooks next year. I love teaching third grade too!

2 Jamie (2nd Grade Stuff) said...

I just gave you the Versatile Blogger Award! Come check it out!

Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff