Monday, May 23, 2011

M&M Probability: Math Monday Linky Party

For today's math monday I decided to post the M&M Prbability activity that my class did a couple of moths ago. They had so much fun with this activity...not to mention eating the candies! My kids were struggling with understanding the vocabulary and concepts associated with the probability unit. This activity cleared things up for most of them and gave them an idea of what proability is. Before handing out any materials I modeled the entire activity for the class. After I pulled out and colored in my m&m's I had the students help me answer the questions. Modeling beforehand really cut down on questions and reinforced the concepts. I hope you are able to use this in your class as well! I have posted the revamped worksheet below. Enjoy!

 Click HERE to download the activity!


Dana said...

This is great! An excellent excuse to buy M&M's! Thanks for sharing!


Mrs. A said...

Awesome! We use Everyday Math which lacks probability lessons. I'm sure my students will love it. Thanks for sharing:)